The Creaghs are a branch of the O'Neills of Co. Clare. The Creaghs were reckoned among the leading gentry of Co. Clare. The main branch for generations gave its sons to the British Army. A number of Clare Creaghs were officers in the Irish Brigades on the continent including the ancestor who returned to Ireland and retained the family estate by conforming to the established church. Very few became Protestants while some of the most distinguished of Irish Catholic bishops and archbishops have been Creaghs.
Creagh Coat of Arms Necklace
Each item begins as a piece of bronze sheet metal. After a pattern is transferred to the metal, the piece is etched in a salt-water solution. Each piece is hand cut, sanded, and polished. A patina has been applied giving the metal that aged look. A clear polymer coating is applied to the face of the shield pendant. The pendant hangs on a waxed cord necklace.