Unicorn - With Scotland being famed for its love for and long history of myths and legends, it is no surprise that a fabled creature such as the unicorn is Scotland’s national animal. Unicorns have been linked to Scotland for centuries. While the animal is mythological, the ideals it represents are what make it a perfect fit as the national animal for Scotland, and because like this proud beast – Scots would fight to remain unconquered.
Scottish Unicorn Bracelet
Each item begins as a piece of sheet metal, copper, or brass. After a pattern is transferred to the metal, the piece is etched in a salt-water solution. Each piece is hand cut, sanded, and polished. A patina is applied to give it an aged feel, then sprayed with a clear polymer coating. Two small holes are punched through each end of the oval disk, suede cords attached and a toggle clasp.