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Early symbol of Norway.  In the standardized Old Norse orthography, the name is spelled Níðhǫggr, but the letter ǫ is frequently replaced with the Modern Icelandic ö for reasons of familiarity or technical expediency. In Norse mythology, Níðhögg or Níðhöggr (Malice Striker) is a dragon/serpent who gnaws at a root of the world tree, Yggdrasil. In historical Viking society, níð was a term for a social stigma implying the loss of honor and the status of a villain. Thus, its name might refer to its role as a horrific monster in its action of chewing the corpses of the inhabitants of Náströnd: those guilty of murder, adultery, and oath-breaking, which Norse society considered among the worst possible. 

Viking Necklace, Norway Early Symbol, Nidhug Necklace

Excluding Sales Tax
  • Each item begins as a piece of sheet metal, copper, bronze, brass or nickel.  After a pattern is transferred to the metal, the piece is etched in a salt-water solution.  Each piece is hand cut, sanded, and polished. A patina may be applied or it may be hand painted with dye oxide.  A clear polymer coating is applied.
    **This piece is etched NICKEL**
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