The Helm of Awe is a powerful protective symbol used by the Vikings for the purpose of protection from illness, and disease. In Norse mythology it is said that it is a symbol that was worn between the eyes that induces fear in your enemies, and to protect against the abuse of power.
The Norse word Ægishjálmr, is translated in English “helm of awe” or “helm of terror.” The meaning of the name awe is to strike with fear and reverence; to influence by fear, terror or respect; as, his majesty awed them into silence.
Viking Helm of Awe Brooch
Each item begins as a piece of sheet metal, copper, bronze, brass or nickel. After a pattern is transferred to the metal, the piece is etched in a salt-water solution. Each piece is hand cut, sanded, and polished. A patina may be applied or it may be hand painted with dye oxide. A clear polymer coating is applied and a pin attached to the back with adhesive.