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The beginning of the modern West Highland White Terrier breed is attributed to Colonel Malcolm of Poltalloch, Scotland in Argyllshire in the late 1800s. The story has it that the Colonel was hunting with his pack of cairn terriers when he thought he saw a rabbit running through the underbrush and shot it, only to find that he had shot his favorite Cairn. From that day on, he determined only to breed white dogs, because they were easy to see. At the same time, the Campbell of Rosneath began to breed white dogs which he called “Roseneath” terriers. Later, the “Poltalloch” and “Roseneath” terriers were combined into the West Highland White Terrier, a name coined by Colonel Malcolm of Poltalloch Estates, which remains an extremely popular breed today.

West Highland Terrier Bracelet, Westie

Excluding Sales Tax
  • Each item begins as a piece of sheet metal, copper, or brass.  After a pattern is transferred to the metal, the piece is etched in a salt-water solution.  Each piece is hand cut, sanded, and polished. A patina is applied to give it an aged feel, then sprayed with a clear polymer coating. Two small holes are punched through each end of the oval disk, suede cords attached and a toggle clasp.

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